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Vorbesprechung GAK - AZ Alkmaar


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Hallo also seit dem ich zum GAK gehe habe ich noch kein programheft, gesehen wegen nem schal kann ich mal nachgucken glaube ich aber eher nicht, das wir da was anbieten, ahso falls wer anderer einen chal kauft pn an mich bin noch bis 19uhr im internetcafe und fahre dann zum ASS

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Wel, congratulations to you all. You deserved to win. You didn't let us play our game for one minute. Although the penalty was not a penalty but just a free kick (you were so obviously seeking for a penalty the whole game) and we hit the post and the bar you just were the better team.


Good luck in the next round. What's it going to be? Middlesbrough, Stuttgart, Lille or maybe AZ (or is that not possible?)


Nevertheless a great effort. AZ en GAK qualified for the next round Glasgow out. Who would have thought that. :D


Hals - und Beinbruch!

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@ De Hoer van vak G


Of curse it was a penalty... :wink:


Well, anyway, we both play in the next round! As far as I know, we could play each other again in the Quarterfinal, not in one of the two next rounds. Would be OK for me.


But the discussion about yesterdays game is taking place in here:




So please continue there.

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