OranjeBear Geschrieben 22. November 2004 Teilen Geschrieben 22. November 2004 Here is some advice and information for any GAK fans that are visiting Glasgow this week. I hope you enjoy you’re time in Scotland. Airport to City Centre Glasgow has two airports, Glasgow International Airport and Glasgow Prestwick Airport. Glasgow International Airport is the busier of the two airports and it is most likely that this will be the one used by most of the GAK fans. Glasgow International Airport is located eight miles (14km) to the south-west of Glasgow. It is linked by a bus to Buchanan Street Bus Station (In the city centre) by a service which runs every ten minutes from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Saturday and less frequently during off-peak times. The bus journey will take about 25-30 minutes. Gilmour Street train station in Paisley is just two miles away and is linked by a frequent bus service. A train from Gilmour Street to Glasgow Central will take about 12 minutes and will cost approximately £3. Taxis are widely available at the airport but can be expensive costing about £12-£16 to go to the city centre. Glasgow Prestwick Airport is located approximate 35 miles from the city centre. It is served by a direct train service, which terminates at Central Station. This journey will cost approximately £4 per person taking approximately 40 minutes. More information about rail and bus services can be found at the following link http://www.firstgroup.com/index.php City Centre Pubs Glasgow has a lot of pubs! Below I have suggested a couple, which I think, are the best to visit. The Horseshoe Bar (17-19 Drury Street, Glasgow) This is a traditional style Scottish/Glasgow pub. It has a fine selection of Beers and Whisky’s. A Glasgow institution! The Pot Still (154 Hope Street, Glasgow) If you want to sample some malt whisky this is the place to do it! It has won numerous awards and is home to the finest collection of malt whiskies in Scotland. http://www.thepotstill.co.uk/ The Arches Café Bar (253 Argyle Street, Glasgow) This is a popular bar with the younger folk of Glasgow. Attracts quite a trendy, stylish crowd. A perfect pre-club bar. http://www.thearches.co.uk/cafebar.html Most bars open at 1100 and shut at 2400. More bar information can be found here http://www.itchyglasgow.co.uk/drinking/ Getting to the Match Ibrox Stadium is located on the south side of the city. The easiest way to get to the stadium is to get the underground from the city centre (Either St Enoch or Buchanan Street Stations) to Ibrox. The journey time is around 6 minutes. However the underground is very busy before and after the match so it is advisable to leave a bit earlier, around 1 hour before the match. Please make sure you buy a ‘Return’ ticket as after the game the queues are very long and it saves time if you don’t buy another ticket. A return ticket is £2 or if you are using the underground earlier in the day you can buy a ‘Discovery’ ticket that is £1.70 for unlimited travel on the subway all day. When you exit the Ibrox underground stadium you turn right, then right again and the stadium is directly in front of you. Leading up to the superstore on the plan below. Further information on the Glasgow Subway can be found at the link below.http://www.spt.co.uk/subway/index.html A taxi that can seat up to 5 people will take about 15 minutes from the city centre and will cost around £8 to get to Ibrox Stadium. The GAK supporters will be located in the corner between the Govan Stand and the Broomloan Stand. However I would advise you that it is worthwhile taking a walk around the front of the stadium to look at the Main Stand, as it is a very beautiful building. If you want a few beers before the game the city centre has many bars and there are also many bars within a few minutes walk of Ibrox Stadium. However I must advise you that it is illegal to consume alcohol in public (on the street, train, around the stadium etc.) You need to drink in a pub or beer garden or specially designated area. I don’t know if the police will be more relaxed with this ridiculous law with the visiting fans or not. The bars around Ibrox are will be very busy directly before the match. However most of them will be very welcoming to visiting fans if you get there early enough. If you want to drink in one of the bars close to the stadium it is advisable to get off the underground at ‘Cessnock’ this will leave you on ‘Paisley Road West’. Here there are many bars like The Grapes, The Doctors, The Clachan, where you will be able to have a few beers and meet some Rangers fans. Glasgow Nightclubs Glasgow also has a selection of many nightclubs, which cater for all different types of music and age groups. Most clubs operate a dress code policy of sorts in that almost none of them will let you in wearing football colours, shirts, scarves etc. Apart from that any form of casual clothing will be suitable. Glasgow doesn’t have any real ‘red light district’ the closest form of entertainment like that you can get is a Lap Dancing club, where it will be approximately £10 for entry and £10 per private dance with a lovely lady. The best of these clubs is Seventh Heaven (15 Elmbank Gardens) other include The Truffle Club (24 Drury St, www.thetruffleclub.co.uk) The bars and clubs in the Sauchiehall street area of the town attract a large student crowd. These cater for this crowd with cheap drink promotions and pop/dance music. You will find many people promoting these clubs with discount entry passes and other such offers. The best and most popular of the is The Shack (193 Pitt St www.shack193.com) followed by The Garage (490 Sauchiehall St www.garageglasgow.com) If you want all forms of Rock, Indie, Alternative music then The Cathouse (15 Union St) is the place for you! If it’s a quality ‘underground’ dance music nightclub you want then The Sub Club (22 Jamaica St, www.subclub.co.uk) is one of the finest nightclubs in Glasgow. The following link will provide you with much more in depth information about Glasgow’s nightlife choices. I’m sure you can all find something suitable in here. www.nightb4.com/uk/glasgow/ Most nightclubs will open around 2230 and shut at 0300. Entry prices will be in the region of £5 to £10. Getting Around For journeys around the city centre especially at night once the trains have stopped running and bus services are reduced a Taxi is a good option. London Cab style black ‘hackneys’ seat 5 people and a short journey around the city will be a couple of pounds. A taxi is free for hire if the light is on, you just stick you’re arm out and shout TAXI! Any maps to find the exact locations of places mentioned can be found at Streetmap http://www.streetmap.co.uk/If you are hiring a car and want to plan a rout you can also do this online at The AA http://www.theaa.com/travelwatch/planner_main.jsp Most people in Glasgow will be friendly, welcoming and helpful. If you require any further information for you’re trip to Glasgow please feel free to ask me. [/img][/url] Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gast redsteve Geschrieben 22. November 2004 Teilen Geschrieben 22. November 2004 oohhhhh yeah!! Great service! Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Schnabel Geschrieben 22. November 2004 Teilen Geschrieben 22. November 2004 incredible! Thank you very much for all the information! You have done quite a job putting all that on our board! I'm already regretting not going to Glasgow but I can't. Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
daxxi Geschrieben 23. November 2004 Teilen Geschrieben 23. November 2004 wow! thanks for the service! very useful! Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Kasi Geschrieben 23. November 2004 Teilen Geschrieben 23. November 2004 Fantastisch!Bin schon sehr aufgeregt.............. Kasi Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
OranjeBear Geschrieben 23. November 2004 Autor Teilen Geschrieben 23. November 2004 No problem guys. Hope the information helps you on you're trip and that you have a good time in Glasgow. Just make sure the three points gets left here! Just seen the weather forecast for the next few days. Wednesday is due to be tempreatures of 11C / 51F and drizzle (light rain showeres). Thursday is predicted 11C/51F and Rain. Typical Scottish weather for this time of year! Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
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