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Hi from Turkey


Empfohlene Beiträge

Besiktas (Turkey)

Graz (Austria)

Lazio (Italy)

Lille (France)

Hearts (Scotland)


I found this information on the net,it seems like we are in the same group but still there are many people says that uefa didnt make the draws yet..

Do you know something about that,is it true or not???

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Hi Cem!


The draw will definitely take place on Tuesday in Nyon (CH). So just forget all the crap you read in the net.






Thanks mate,i am totaly mixed :D


Anyway i hope to meet you cause i would like to see Austria,thanks for the answer,wish u good luck in future..

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Besiktas (Turkey)

Graz (Austria)

Lazio (Italy)

Lille (France)

Hearts (Scotland)


I found this information on the net,it seems like we are in the same group but still there are many people says that uefa didnt make the draws yet..

Do you know something about that,is it true or not???


hi cem,


maybe you read what fans would like to have. you will find a thread here also, where the gak-supporters wrote, what teams they would like to have in the "gak-group". we prefer german teams (because of the tv-money) and teams from hungary and slovenia (because its not far to drive to support our team at the away-matches)


but anyway, i would be glad to have besiktas in our group and looking forward to see you and many besiktas-supporters in graz or visit you in your bebautiful city.


good luck for the draws and maybe we will see us very soon :lol:

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