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Alle erstellten Inhalte von thornabyred

  1. some pictures of Boro and Graz fans on this page linkhttp://angelultras.8m.com/graz.html
  2. link for info file http://angelultras.8m.com/Welcome.pdf
  3. http://angelultras.8m.com/graz.html the first pictures from fans back from the game.Also some from the web cam in the square. Some dodgy looking people stood near the hot dog van.There nearly all day.
  4. anyone wants information and maps please let me know. I can e mail document with town info and map and invitation to pre match party near the Thistle hotel. sorry in English ,would not insult you by trying to translate this post but if anyone would like to post it again in German I would be gratefull. The document is in German thanks to some of your board members.
  5. I can`t but I can cut and paste and translate a bit. Enjoy the game!.
  6. sehr richtig! endlich ist die stadt rot-weiss BORO rot-weiss!.
  7. link for maps and info about town and special events. http://angelultras.8m.com/visitors.html if you need any help with hotels,directions from airports,trains,buses please ask. Sorry can only do in English,would not like to upset anyone translating to German. Hope our fans behaved last night and were not too noisy.
  8. We will have some maps and directions ready this week for fans coming over next week. in meantime page on my web site with basic info. http://angelultras.8m.com/visitors.html
  9. There will be about 1500 boro fans out for the game and there should be no trouble from them. British police stop all known hooligans from travelling so please come along and be freindly to the boro fans.They will drink and they will be noisy but very friendly. Swap scarves and badges with them. sorry if this is wrong but using Babel fish to translate. Es gibt boro Ventilatoren ungefähr 1500 heraus für das Spiel und es sollte keine Mühe von ihnen geben. Britische Polizei stoppt alle bekannten Rowdys vom Reisen so bitte entlang gekommen und ist freindly zum boro fans.They trinkt und sie sind laut aber sehr freundlich. Tauschenschals und -abzeichen mit ihnen.
  10. have you got your flights sorted out. please let me know and I will try and make a "tourist map " for you. Hotels ,pubs etc. This is the hotel where your team will probably be staying.That is where Ostrava,Lazio and Partizan stayed
  11. link for all scheduled flights into and ou of Teesside . is it possible to fly to Amsterdam and then onto Teesside? http://www.durhamteesvalleyairport.com/devel/scheduled_flights/Winter.pdf Good luck. Hotels info and about Boro http://angelultras.8m.com
  12. greetings from the Boro,sorry for typing in English. Welcome to Middlesbrough,next year. anything you want to know please post on our boards http://boards.rivals.net/default.asp?sid=892&p=16&forumid=6548&style=2
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