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Beginnzeit in BORO


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I think there is a pretty good chance of it being called off due to heavy snow in Middlesbrough over the last few days, and it is forcast for the rest of the week.


I also just looked the forecast and it really doesn't look good... and I always thought there isn't any snow in England!

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I think there is a pretty good chance of it being called off due to heavy snow in Middlesbrough over the last few days, and it is forcast for the rest of the week.


heavy snow?

is that more than a centimeter?



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its about 6 centimetres where i am (that is heavy compared to what we normally get, which is none). But like i said its forcast for the rest of the week, and its forcast to get worse. Middlesbrough are the worst club in the country at deaing with snow, we have atleast one match off a season!

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